Jury Duty

Information Regarding

Jury Duty

Employees excused from employment;

compensation; postponement of service.

Section 12-16-8, Code of Alabama

(a) Upon receiving a summons to report for jury duty, any employee shall on the next day he is engaged in his employment exhibit the summons to his immediate superior, and the employee shall thereupon be excused from his employment for the day or days required of him in serving as a juror in any court created by the constitutions of the United States or of the State of Alabama or the laws of the United States or of the State of Alabama.

(b) An employee my not be required or requested to use annual, vacation, unpaid leave, or sick leave for time spent responding to a summons for jury duty, time spent participating in the jury selection process, or for time spent actually serving on a jury. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to require an employer to provide annual, vacation, or sick leave to employees who otherwise are not entitled to the benefits under policies of the employer.

(c) Notwithstanding the excused absence provided in subsection (a) , any fill-time employee shall be entitled to his or her usual compensation received from such employment.

(d) Notwithstanding subsection (a), a court shall automatically postpone and reschedule the service of a summoned juror who is an employee of and employer with five or fewer full-time employees, or their equivalent, if another employee of that employer also has been summoned to appear during the same period. A postponement pursuant to this section shall not affect an individual's right to one automatic postponement under Section 12-16-63.1.

(Acts 1969, No. 619, p. 1126; Act 2005-811, 1st so.sess, §1.)

If you have questions regarding Jury Duty please contact the Winston County Circuit Clerk's Office.